Red Chilly Productions, a production studio based in the United States, decides to make a major change in its distribution strategy. It withdraws contracts from its retail partners and begins to operate its own rental store

This results in its retail partners filing several lawsuits against the company. This scenario is an example of__________.

Fill in the blanks with correct word.

ANSWER: horizontal conflict

This scenario is an example of horizontal conflict. Horizontal conflict occurs among channel members on the same level, such as two or more different wholesalers or two or more different retailers that handle the same manufacturer's brands.


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The City of Sycamore has investments in bonds. These bonds have an amortized cost of $1,996,000. At year end, the financial press reports a market value of $2,002,000 for these bonds. The original cost of the bonds was $1,992,000. The par value at maturity will be $2,000,000. The amount at which the investments would be reported is:

A) $2,002,000 B) $2,000,000 C) $1,996,000 D) $1,992,000


Developing an effective message strategy begins with identifying ________ that can be used as advertising appeals

A) consumer trends B) competitors' weaknesses C) competitors' strengths D) customer benefits E) consumer emotions
