To identify the management problem, the researcher must possess considerable skill in interacting with the DM. Which of the following is a factor that might complicate this interaction?
A) Access to the DM may be difficult and some organizations have complicated protocols for access to top executives.
B) The organizational status of the researcher or the research department may make it difficult to reach the key DM in the early stages of the project.
C) There may be more than one key DM and meeting with them collectively or individually may be difficult.
D) All of the above are correct.
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A complete marketing information system should
A. provide a good overall view on many types of problems. B. organize incoming information into a data warehouse. C. provide answers to specific questions. D. continually gather data from internal and external sources, and from market research studies. E. All of these alternatives are true
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a liquid market?
A) Market makers stand ready to buy and sell currencies. B) Foreign exchange dealers make transactions only with dealers. C) It becomes easy to match buyers and sellers. D) Transaction costs are low.