Use the Color Matching software to test people’s performance and preference for the RGB and HSB color models.
a. Recruit 30 people to take the test. Each person will match 10 colors. Divide the people into two groups. The first group will use the RGB model for the first five matchings they complete, and the HSB model for the second five. The second group of people will use the HSB model first, followed by the RGB model.
b. In a written pretest questionnaire, ask the test participants to list any computer graphics, Web, or graphics design classes they’ve taken. Also ask them if they’re colorblind.
c. Be sure to administer an informed consent. Review chapter 8 for a discussion on informed consent.
d. Test each user individually. Ask each user to match 10 colors, one at a time. For each matching, tell them which model to select.
e. During a test session, record the color name, the color space and the number of adjustments that the user made for each matching. At the end of the matching sessions, as the user which was the better system for color matching.
f. Analyze the data you collected, and answer the following questions:
i. What colors were easier to match?
ii. Which colors caused the most difficulty?
iii. Were some colors easier to match in a particular color space? If so, which ones? Explain, in terms of the data.
iv. Which color system did users prefer? Is there a relation between the number of adjustments they made and the model they preferred?
v. Does previous experience have any effect on their preference? Justify your answer.
vi. Does previous experience have any effect on their performance? Explain your answer in terms of the data you collected.
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