Which one of the following sequences is the correct one for audition?

a. eardrum, cochlea, hair cells, ossicles
b. ossicles, eardrum, cochlea, hair cells
c. hair cells, ossicles, eardrum, cochlea
d. eardrum, ossicles, cochlea, hair cells



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Compared to other dual-earner families, gay and lesbian dual-earner households

a. focus more on work scheduling and time conflict issues. b. do not have to worry about juggling multiple roles. c. are the most likely to have work-family conflict. d. divide responsibilities more evenly.


Betty gets upset when her brother snatches her doll. As explained to her by her mother, Betty knows that her brother is just an infant and she should not get angry with him. She picks up a different toy and starts playing with it. Betty's action illustrates _____

A) insecure attachment B) emotional regulation C) indiscriminate attachment D) social referencing
