For the data given above, the objective function is ________
A) Minimize total cost = 13.60X11 + 15.35X12 + 12.52X13 + 18.58 X14 + 10.75X21 + 17.26X22 + 9.11X23 + 18.92X24
B) Minimize total cost = 15.30X11 + 13.60X12 + 18.58X13 + 12.52X14 + 9.11X21 + 17.26X22 + 450X23 + 18.92X24
C) Maximize total profit = 15.30X11 + 13.60X12 + 18.58X13 + 12.52X14 + 9.11X21 + 17.26X22 + 450X23 + 18.92X24
D) Maximize total profit = 13.60X11 + 15.35X12 + 12.52X13 + 18.58 X14 + 10.75X21 + 17.26X22 + 9.11X23 + 18.92X24