Which of these statements regarding the radiographic appearance of dental materials is false?
A) A full metal crown may be distinguished from amalgam by its smooth margins.
B) A stainless steel crown has a see-through appearance.
C) A porcelain jacket appears more radiopaque than a full metal crown.
D) Porcelain appears about the same density as dentin.
Explanation: A) Porcelain appears about the same density as dentin. Therefore, a porcelain jacket would appear less radiopaque than a full metal crown.
B) Porcelain appears about the same density as dentin. Therefore, a porcelain jacket would appear less radiopaque than a full metal crown.
C) Porcelain appears about the same density as dentin. Therefore, a porcelain jacket would appear less radiopaque than a full metal crown.
D) Porcelain appears about the same density as dentin. Therefore, a porcelain jacket would appear less radiopaque than a full metal crown.