The _________________ included the truth in labeling clause which would require manufactures to post a statement accurately describing a package's content
a. Controlled Substance Act
b. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938
c. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
d. Kefauver-Harris Amendment
Rationale: a. The Controlled Substance Act helped regulate and control narcotics and other dangerous substances by providing classifications related to the medications use.
b. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act required a statement that accurately described a package's content.
c. Established the FDA and prohibited the sale of medicinal preparations that had little or no use and restricted the sale of drugs with a potential of abuse. It was not as all-encompassing as its originators envisioned.
d. The Kefauer-Harris Amendment was an amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that required pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide proof of the safety and effectiveness of their drugs.