To avoid accusations of defamation, which of the following would be most appropriate?
A) Use words that sound confident and convincing.
B) Use vague information that is open to interpretation.
C) Only use abusing language verbally, never in writing.
D) Emphasize a desire for a good relationship in the future.
E) Consult the company's legal advisers before sending out any message that conveys bad news.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) To avoid accusations of defamation, avoid using any kind of abusive language or terms that could be considered defamatory. Provide accurate information and stick to the facts. Never let anger or malice motivate your messages. Consult your company's legal advisers whenever you think a message might have legal consequences. Communicate honestly and make sure you believe what you're saying is true. Emphasize a desire for a good relationship in the future.