When you enter into an exclusive agency agreement with a selling agent, that agent may agree to share the commission with other agents
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
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Benz & Frendz Corp, a manufacturer of high end consumer durables, experienced sluggish sales growth in most of its product categories during three consecutive quarters of 2009
However, market analysis revealed that its competitors' sales had also slackened during this period. Analysts pointed out that when all firms are losing sales, it is extremely important to adopt strategies that are aimed at retaining customers. This led the firm to reduce operation costs while maintaining product quality. They also revamped their marketing strategy to focus on the values created by their products. Which of the following can be inferred from the strategies adopted by the firm? A) The company was trying to protect its market share and continue to operate as a market leader. B) The company was focusing on geographical expansion. C) The company was aiming to capture a new market segment. D) The company was marketing its products amidst an economic downturn. E) The company was focusing on market penetration.
The part of electronic retailing with interactive video and audio capability is referred to as the _____
a. Internet b. World Wide Web c. information superhighway d. virtual network