Over the past four years at your college, you have personally known or been aware of at least four students who are now deceased. Which of these individuals died from a cause that is less common among college students than the others?
A) ?Student A, who died in an auto accident
B) ?Student B, who died as a murder victim
C) ?Student C, who died committing suicide
D) ?Student D, who died from having cancer
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Which problem-solving strategy did the Wright brothers use to solve the challenge of powered human flight?
a. finding a relevant analogy b. working backwards from small-order to large-order concerns c. formal logic d. breaking the problem into its component parts e. functional fixedness
Research indicates that a face's symmetry is a reliable predictor of how attractive it is seen to be. An evolutionary psychology explanation for this finding would be that
a. symmetrical faces remind us of ourselves and therefore elicit positive feelings. b. symmetry is a sign of health and that a potential mate has good genes. c. "Western" cultures place a greater emphasis on physical attractiveness than do "Eastern" cultures. d. all of the above