A payday loan company has decided to open several new locations in the city. To decide where to open these locations it hires consultants and pays them per store opened. At the end of the quarter, the company notices a many of the new stores' sales volume fail to meet expectations. This is because
a. The consultants are paid per store and not just profitable store locations
b. The consultants are paid per store and hence choose the best locations
c. The consultants would always choose the best locations
d. None of the above
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The imposition of a tariff will typically ________ government revenue and ________ domestic production of the good
A) increase; increase B) increase; decrease C) decrease; increase D) decrease; decrease E) increase; not change
If a town begins requiring builders to build on one-acre lots, instead of on smaller quarter-acre lots, the supply curve for new homes will
A. shift to the right. B. become flatter. C. shift to the left. D. become steeper.