Throughout the day, Judy is distracted by the thought that she has left her keys or her wallet locked in her car

As a result, she checks her purse dozens of times each day to be sure the keys and wallet are with her. In this example, Judy's constant checking her purse for her keys would be considered a(n)
a. phobia.
b. compulsion.
c. obsession.
d. paranoid delusion.



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Regarding the causes of schizophrenia, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Malnutrition during pregnancy and complications at the time of birth can disturb brain development, leaving people more vulnerable to a psychotic break with reality. b. Often, the victims of schizophrenia were exposed to violence, sexual abuse, death, divorce, separation, or other stresses in childhood. c. Women who are exposed to the influenza (flu) virus or to rubella (German measles) during the middle of pregnancy have children who are more likely to become schizophrenic. d. When the children of schizophrenic parents are raised away from their chaotic home environment, they are significantly less likely to become psychotic.


Dr. Matthews has decided that he is going to invest several million dollars in a long-term care facility. He wants it to be an excellent facility where residents will be happy and well-cared for. As he plans to open the facility, he will have to get licensed by the state in which he lives before he can start accepting residents. Which of the following will NOT be an area that the state will

consider when deciding to grant Dr. Matthews's facility a license to operate? a. How much the facility will cost residents to live there on an annual basis. b. The quality of life the facility will offer to residents. c. The quality of care his staff will provide. d. Whether the facility adequate addresses safety issues.
