Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F)
1) A pointer of one type can’t be assigned to one of another type without a cast operation.
2) Base-class constructors are not automatically inherited by derived classes.
3) A has-a relationship is implemented via inheritance.
4) A Car class has an is-a relationship with the SteeringWheel and Brakes classes.
5) When a derived-class object is destroyed, the destructors are called in the reverse order
of the constructors.
1. False. Pointers of any type can be assigned to void pointers. Pointers of type void can
2. True.
3.False. A has-a relationship is implemented via composition. An is-a relationship is
implemented via inheritance.
4. False. This is an example of a has-a relationship. Class Car has an is-a relationship
with class Vehicle.