Explain the predisposing factors (Column 1 ) of the PER worksheet
Predisposing factors represent cognitive and affective antecedents related to motivation or rationale for the target behavior. The category prompts include know, believe, intention, and demographics. In terms of the behavioral theories, predisposing factors encompass the HBM, TPB, SCT, and the social ecological model. Knowledge is part of most theories, including the HBM and SCT. Knowledge is captured as a modifying factor or individual differences in the HBM. In SCT, knowledge is necessary to perform a specific skill. Beliefs are fundamental parts of the HBM, TPB, and SCT. The core constructs of the HBM (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and perceived threat) are beliefs. Similarly, all the TPB constructs (subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, attitude toward the behavior, and intention) are beliefs. Outcome expectations, outcome expectancies, and self-efficacy are SCT belief constructs. Finally, the individual characteristics of the Predisposing column represent the intrapersonal level of the ecological model. Demographic variables can also act as predisposing factors. Age, gender, and race are variables that are commonly associated with changes in a range of behaviors or behavioral intentions. Demographic factors can also be unique to populations. Innovativeness, from the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory, also predisposes individuals to action. Few theories other than the HBM actually contain a specific demographic-type theoretical construct. The omission of demographic factors, though, makes them no less significant than any predisposing factor listed. Column 1 of the worksheet represents the transtheoretical model's precontemplation and contemplation stages of change.?