You've always disliked a particular coworker who strikes you as dishonest, but he is nice to you and does you favors, so you become friendly with him despite your miivings. One day you learn that he stole personal items from your desk
You now decide to discontinue the friendship. Your negative attitude toward this coworker is strengthened through __________
a) operant conditioning.
b) instrumental learning.
c) classical conditioning.
d) reduction of cognitive dissonance.
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By age 10, most children know how to be a good friend
Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
Frank doesn't necessarily have a high IQ as measured on standardized intelligence tests, but he is well aware of his strengths and weaknesses He chooses jobs that suit his strengths and is particularly skilled at adapting to any changes in his environment. Frank likely has high ________ intelligence as defined in the successful theory of intelligence.
A) creative B) analytical C) experiential D) practical