AFRMA Research
Characteristics of the ideal fancy mouse
Type: The ideal mouse should be sleek and alert, long and slim, yet with strong bone and an
arched loin.
Condition: The ideal mouse has a good weight and a smooth and glossy coat that feels fine to the
hand and densely covers the body.
Head: The head should be long and clean, not too fine or pointed at the muzzle; the skull should have
good breadth and length as well as width between the eyes and ears; the muzzle should show a roman
nose and well-developed whiskers.
Ears: The ears should be large and thin; carried high on the head and facing forward; and free of
folds, creases, or nicks.
Eyes: The eyes should be large, bold, and prominent, showing great animation and interest.
Tail: The tail should come out of the back, be thick at the root, and should taper gradually. It should
be free from kinks; the length should be equal to the body length or longer; and the junction with the
backbone should form the point of a triangle formed with the hips.
Size: Larger size has an advantage if everything else is equal; the average size should be eight to nine
inches from the nose to the tail tip.
General: Mice should be tractable and easy to handle. Physical defects or poor temperament shall be
penalized, and all faults will be considered of equal seriousness.