Which of the following statements is true of the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI)?
a. It is a projective technique used to assess personality.
b. It has two major scales namely time competence and inner directedness.
c. It was developed by Maslow.
d. It was designed to assess the degree to which smartphone use can satisfy the needs in Maslow's system.
FEEDBACK: The Personal Orientation Inventory (POI), a self-report questionnaire consisting of
150 pairs of statements, was developed by psychologist Everett Shostrom (1964, 1974) to measure self-actualization. The POI is scored for 2 major scales and 10 subscales. The major scales are time competence, which measures the degree to which we live in the present, and inner directedness, which assesses how much we depend on ourselves rather than on others for judgments and values.