A stock price has a historical volatility of 24%. If an anomalous event occurs to the company in the next past two days, which was not anticipated, what is the most likely implied estimate of the unconditional volatility using the GARCH model?

A) 12%
B) 20%
C) 27%
D) 45%



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A final task in questionnaire design is ________ questions, which is the use of numbers associated with question response options to facilitate data analysis after the survey has been conducted

A) re-writing B) testing C) coding D) response-writing E) numbering


Which of the following financing tactics would most likely help an MNE avoid bankruptcy?

A) integrating e-commerce opportunities with domestic sales in order to maintain a steady balance of income and expenditures B) agreeing to forward contracts with customers and hedging purchases and sales on future currency rates C) organizing the capital structure so that the amount of debt financing is twice the level of equity financing D) keeping the percentage of debt in the capital structure to a level that can be managed even during difficult business conditions
