In a study of the effects of prejudice, Munro and Ditto (1997) asked participants to read two different articles, one concluding that homosexuality was associated with psychopathology and the other concluding that it was not

Participants who were more prejudiced against homosexuals
a. were less certain about their views after reading the articles
b. were more convinced by the less derogatory report
c. were less influenced by the articles than those who were less prejudiced
d. responded more favorably to the more derogatory report

Answer: D


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The belief that children will have increased cognitive abilities if their parents play classical music for them during infancy reflects

A) a pro-nurture perspective. B) a pro-nature perspective. C) a belief that genes set limits on cognitive ability. D) a belief that cognitive ability is genetically determined.


Socialization is the process by which children learn the behaviors, attitudes, and expectations required of them by their society or culture

Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
