Automobile insurance companies have a problem with people who buy insurance and then drive recklessly or take less care to avoid losses after being insured. In other words, the automobile insurance market is subject to
A) moral hazard. B) adverse selection.
C) asymmetric information. D) market signaling.
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Which of the following statements is NOT true about economic growth?
A) Growth is measured as the overall level of real GDP. B) Growth generally means that overall the members of the nation are better off materially. C) When growth occurs the production possibilities curve shifts outward. D) Growth represents an increase in a nation's productive capacity.
Last Tuesday you purchased 100 shares of Jitters Coffee Company, a corporation, for $25.00 per share. Unfortunately, the company went bankrupt later that same day
If the company still owed $1 million in debts after all assets have been liquidated and there are 1 million stockholders, what would be your personal loss from the remaining debt? A) $0 B) $1.00 C) $100.00 D) $1 million