Calculate the Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) for a patient with the following assess-ments: 56-year-old female, post motor vehicle accident, intubated, and mechanically ventilated for 4 days

Static compliance is 42 cm H2O/L. Tracheobronchial suctioning reveals a moderate amount of yellow secretions; culture and sensitivity are pending. Breath sounds reveal bilateral lower lobe coarse rhonchi. Chest radiograph shows diffuse infiltrates. Partial pressure of oxygen in the ar-teries (PaO2) is 72 mm Hg on 40% supplemental oxygen. Patient has a temperature of 39.2° C, and white blood cell count (WBC) is 12,800 ?L.
a. CPIS = 5
b. CPIS = 6
c. CPIS = 7
d. CPIS = 8

Using the CPIS criteria found in Table 14-2, the score is calculated as follows: Temperature of 39.2° C = 2 points; white blood cell (WBC) is 12,800 ?L = 1 point; secretions are present and nonpurulent = 1 point; partial pressure of oxygen in the arteries/fractional inspired oxygen (PaO2/FIO2) = 72/0.4 = 180 with no acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) = 2 points; chest radiograph shows diffuse infiltrates = 1 point; and compliance and saturation in the blood phase (C & S) is pending = 0 point, for a total of 7 points.

Health Professions

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Health Professions

When an organization chooses to be surveyed under the Early Survey Policy, TJC conducts

a. on-site surveys if (1) the hospital is licensed or has a provisional license, according to applicable law and regulation; (2) the building in which the services will be offered or from which the services will be coordinated is identified, constructed, and equipped to support such services; (3) the hospital has identified the date it will begin operations; and (4) it has identified its CEO or administrator, its director of clinical or medical services, and its nurse executive, if applicable B. two on-site surveys, both of which will be announced; the first survey can be conducted as early as two months before the organization begins its operations, provided that the organization meets certain criteria C. on-site surveys if (1) the hospital is licensed or has a provisional license, according to applicable law and regulation; (2) the building in which the services will be offered or from which the services will be coordinate is identified, constructed, and equipped to support such services; and (3) the hospital has identified its CEO or administrator, its director of clinical or medical services, and its nurse executive if applicable

Health Professions