When you arrive at your first college class you find a seat, take out your notebook, and being to record information the professor writes on the board. Previous experience of being a high school student helped you determine what to do in this situation
In social psychological terms, the cognitive structure that guided your behavior is commonly known as ______________.
a. a plan
b. a schema
c. a self-fulfilling prophecy
d. the perseverance effect
Answer: B
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Marcus's mother was proud of the fact that her baby crawled early, walked early, and was able to negotiate the stairs early. Marcus's mother had been studying
a. Brazelton assessments. c. Apgar scores. b. childhood standards. d. developmental norms.
What might be a purpose of the mere exposure effect from an evolutionary perspective?
a. ?to avoid unfamiliar and possibly dangerous stimuli b. ?to reduce prejudice among different peoples c. ?to encourage openness to new and possibly beneficial stimuli d. ?to reduce rates of reproduction