What are the common diseases and ailments of pet mice? What are the symptoms and treatments for them?
?? Respiratory diseases—Symptoms may appear such as squeaking or rattling breath, running nose, and
watering eyes. The fur loses condition, and the animals sit around in a huddled position with their backs
arched. They are also listless and inactive. Quarantine or euthanize sick mice. Keeping cages clean, avoiding
the use of dusty beddings or ones containing phenol, and locating cages in draft-free, well-ventilated areas
may help reduce the incidence of respiratory disease.
?? Salmonella—Salmonella and related bacteria are responsible for many of the serious infectious diseases.
Unclean cage conditions, contaminated feed or water, and flies transmit disease agents.
?? Parasites—These cause severe irritation and inflammation due to self-trauma and hair loss. Topical
insecticides have been used to try to eliminate mites. It is wise to seek advice from a veterinarian.