Translate the relational algebra expression in (c) into a most directly corresponding SQL query.
Suppose a database has the following schema:
Trip(fromAddrId: INTEGER, toAddrId: INTEGER, date: DATE)
Address(id: INTEGER, street: STRING, townState: STRING)
SELECT A.street
FROM (SELECT * FROM Address WHERE townState='Stony Brook NY') A,
(SELECT * FROM Trip WHERE date='05/14/02') T
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Case-Based Critical Thinking QuestionsCase 1You have just starting working at Quantum Company. As a new programmer, you have been asked to review and correct various pseudocode.The following pseudocode is not working correctly. Which answer shows the corrected code?start Declarations Product myApple myApple.setName = "Gala" output "My favorite apple is ", myApple.getName()stop
A. Product.setName = "Gala" B. myApple.setName("Gala") C. Product = "Gala" D. Product.setName("Gala")
In the negabinary system an i?bit binary integer, N, is expressed using positional notation as:
This is the same as conventional natural 8421 binary weighted numbers, except that alternate positions have
the additional weighting +1 and ?1. For example, 1101 = (?1 × 1 × 8) + (+1 × 1 × 4) + (?1 × 0 × 2) + (+1 × 1 × 1) = ?8
+ 4 + 1 = ?3. The following 4?bit numbers are represented in negabinary form. Convert them into their decimal
a. 0000
b. 0101
c. 1010
d. 1111