Which of the following statements regarding x-ray equipment is false?
A) A short (8 inch [20.5 cm]) PID delivers less radiation to the patient.
B) Total filtration is the sum of inherent and added filtration.
C) A filter placed in the path of the x-ray beam reduces patient radiation exposure.
D) An external collimator can be attached to the PID to achieve rectangular collimation.
Explanation: A) A long (12 or 16 inch [30 or 41 cm]) PID produces a less divergent x-ray beam, resulting in an exit beam diameter that exposes the patient less than a short (8 inch [20.5 cm]) PID.
B) A long (12 or 16 inch [30 or 41 cm]) PID produces a less divergent x-ray beam, resulting in an exit beam diameter that exposes the patient less than a short (8 inch [20.5 cm]) PID.
C) A long (12 or 16 inch [30 or 41 cm]) PID produces a less divergent x-ray beam, resulting in an exit beam diameter that exposes the patient less than a short (8 inch [20.5 cm]) PID.
D) A long (12 or 16 inch [30 or 41 cm]) PID produces a less divergent x-ray beam, resulting in an exit beam diameter that exposes the patient less than a short (8 inch [20.5 cm]) PID.