Create a CartoonPanel class that takes an array of Pictures and displays the pictures from left to right. It should also have a title and author, and display the title at the top left edge and the author at the top right edge.
What will be an ideal response?
class CartoonPanel:
def __init__(self, picturesArray, title, author): = picturesArray
sumWidth = 0
maxHeight = 0
for p in picturesArray:
w = getWidth(p)
h = getHeight(p)
sumWidth = sumWidth+w
if h>maxHeight:
maxHeight = h
canvas = makeEmptyPicture(sumWidth, maxHeight+50)
currX = 0
for p in picturesArray:
copy(p, canvas, currX, 50)
currX =currX+ getWidth(p)
canvas.addText(black, 1,20, title)
canvas.addText(black, currX-100,20,author)
self.panel = canvas
def show(self):
def copy(source, target, targX, targY):
targetX = targX
for sourceX in range(0,getWidth(source)):
targetY = targY
for sourceY in range(0,getHeight(source)):
px=getPixel(source ,sourceX ,sourceY)
tx=getPixel(target ,targetX ,targetY)
targetY=targetY + 1
targetX=targetX + 1