The GPRA was designed to
a. force government agencies to focus on short-term strategies.
b. eliminate the need for government agencies to account for their activities.
c. require governments to increase their emphasis on regulation and control.
d. push government agencies to link planning and performance outcomes to budgeting.
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Which of the following accurately describes familism?
A. a child-centered lifestyle frequently observed in suburbs B. an adult-centric lifestyle frequently observed in cities C. a lifestyle that supports compact, livable communities D. a lifestyle that facilitates the movement of upper-class residents to downtown locations
Which of the following is NOT one of the means by which Congress has traditionally expressed its disapproval with a Supreme Court decision?
A. rewriting overturned laws so that the Supreme Court must either readdress them or leave them be B. modifying the Court's appellate jurisdiction C. voting to remove offending justices from the Court D. drafting amendments to ensure the constitutionality of desired policies E. refusing to fund programs required to put Court decisions into effect