Martin is 69 years old, and has a long-standing history of COPD brought on by years of smoking. He finally stopped smoking about four years ago when he retired. In addition to the COPD, Martin has hypertensive heart disease and chronic atrial fibrillation. He was admitted to the hospital directly from his physician's office. At the time of admission, he had dyspnea, tachycardia, and yellowish sputum. He was treated with medications and respiratory therapy. His hypertension was well controlled throughout his stay and the chronic a-fib was managed with his usual medications. After several days of treatment, he was discharged home with a diagnosis of acute exacerbation of COPD.
First-listed diagnosis: ________
Secondary diagnoses: ________
Fill in the blank with correct word.
First-listed diagnosis: ________
Answer: COPD with acute exacerbation – J44.1
Secondary diagnoses: ________
Answer: Hypertensive heart disease – I11.9; chronic atrial fibrillation – I48.2; history of smoking – Z87.891
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