Reverse engineer the requirements of the Heathrow airport luggage system and communicate your results using the Requirements Analysis Document template presented in the lecture.
Questions to ask:
• How are the bags stored after passengers have checked, but before they
enter the plane?
• How are the bags retrieved from the storage area?
• What about existing luggage systems (“legacy systems”)?
• Scalability: How many users should the new luggage system support? How can
this be tested before deployment?
• Throughput: How many suit cases/hour need to be supported?
You have to work on the following tasks:
? Write an introduction, a description of the system as it was before April 5 th and an
overview of the proposed system
? Identify functional, nonfunctional requirements and constraints
? Select some critical scenarios and core use cases and describe them
? Put it all together
? Answer the following additional question: What changes to the requirements
should have been done to avoid the Heathrow disaster?
You can work in teams of 3.