Describe the three major functions of organizations and provide at least two examples to illustrate each function
Traditionally, scholars recognized three major functions of organizational communication (Daniels, Spiker, & Papa, 1996). Production refers to communication that coordinates individuals' activities so they can accomplish tasks. For example, when a manager
creates a set of store opening and closing procedures, informs employees of monthly sales goals, or develops a standardized process for assembling products, she allows employees to accomplish various tasks. The maintenance function of organizational communication serves to maintain existing aspects of the organization. Consider, for example, awarding an employee-of-the-month plaque, conducting a performance review, and clarifying a vague set of workflow proceduresâ€"all of which enforce the status quo and keep the system running smoothly. A third function is innovation, which involves communication that encourages change in the organization. Examples might include suggestion boxes, restructuring and retraining, policy revisions, and the like.