When writing for a mobile device, how should paragraph length be adjusted?
A) There is no need for adjustment—the audience can swipe through screens as needed.
B) There is no need for adjustment—the audience can view the document later on a PC, if desired.
C) Paragraphs should be used sparingly—bullet points are easier to read and identify on a mobile device.
D) Paragraphs should be shorter—the audience should not have to swipe through screens to find the end of the paragraph.
E) Paragraphs should be longer—each paragraph must contain enough detail for the audience to fully understand the message.
Answer: D
Explanation: D) In addition to structuring a message according to discrete blocks of information, paragraphs have a visual role in written communication as well. Shorter paragraphs are less intimidating and let readers take frequent "micro rests" as they move through a document. Because far less text is displayed at once on a mobile screen, keep paragraphs as short as possible so readers don't have to swipe through screen after screen before getting to paragraph breaks.