From a conceptual standpoint, what could be the role of PRVC in the process of ventilator discontinuation?
A. It would have a role no different from that of any other mode of mechanical ventilation.
B. Studies support the use of PRVC as the preferred mode of ventilatory support in preparation for ventilator weaning.
C. PRVC should not be used to help ready a patient for discontinuation from mechanical ventilation.
D. PRVC may be helpful with patients who have a fluctuating ventilatory drive, perhaps, because of being sedated.
A. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
B. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
C. Incorrect response: See explanation D.
D. Correct response: One conceptual application of PRVC in the mechanical ventilation discontinuation process might be with a patient who has a fluctuating respiratory drive (e.g., during sleep or with sedation).?