Observe the three records below that are NOT YET entered in the table CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS. (Assume all the shown values in all three records are correct.)
201001 Smith Susan smiths@arc.edu 06.06.1993. 1.1.2014. 1.1.2018. Chicago USA
201002 Still Meg stillm@arc.edu 07.07.1991. 1.1.2010. 1.1.2014. Chicago USA
201003 Soto Alex sotoa@arc.edu 08.08.1990. 1.1.2007. 1.1.2011. Chicago USA
Which of these three records that are not yet entered should be entered into the table CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENTS in order to avoid the timeliness problem?
A) The record with Student ID value 201001 (for student Susan Smith)
B) The record with Student ID value 201002 (for student Meg Still)
C) The record with Student ID value 201003 (for student Alex Soto)
D) All three records