Which is a way to prevent hypothermia in the OR environment?
a. Encourage patients to eat hot and spicy food the day before surgery.
b. Place UV lamps over patients in the preoperative holding area.
c. Encourage the patient to wear a coat and cold weather items such as hats and gloves while in the preoperative area.
d. Apply warmed blankets to patients as they arrive in the OR.
To prevent hypothermia in the OR environment, place a hypothermia/hyperthermia mattress or reflective blanket on the operating bed. A radiant heat source can be placed over an infant. Check the room temperature and humidity. Apply warmed blankets as soon as the patient arrives in the OR and immediately after drapes are removed. A warm blanket can be put on the OR cart under the patient. Limit skin exposure during positioning and skin preparation (i.e., keep the patient covered as much as possible). Minimize the time of exposure between skin antisepsis and draping. Keep the sheet under and the drapes over the patient and around the surgical site dry to provide insulation, prevent heat loss, and maintain asepsis. Dry the area after skin preparation. Apply warmed antiseptic, irrigating, and IV solutions, including blood, before administration. Anesthetic gases, including oxygen, can be warmed also. Monitor body temperature. Leave a cap on the patient; a plastic head covering retains more heat than do other materials.