A payday loan company has decided to open several new locations in the city. To decide where to open these locations it hires consultants and pays them per store opened. At the end of the quarter, the company notices a many of the new stores' sales volume fail to meet expectations. To incentivize the consultants to instead focus on opening profitable stores, the company has decided to alter the

compensation to a percentage of the profit earned per new store. The company should expect to
a. Pay the consultants more than they would per store
b. Pay the consultants less than they would per store
c. Pay the consultants the same
d. None of the above



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This Application refers to quantitative easing, a policy that occurs when the Fed

A) changes the reserve requirement. B) purchases long-term securities. C) raises the discount rate. D) sells mortgage-backed securities.


Block pricing

A) is a form of nonlinear price discrimination. B) is pricing where one price is charged for the first block of units purchased, and different prices for subsequent blocks. C) can be either use increasing or decreasing prices for blocks purchased. D) All of the above.
