An experiment provides good evidence of causation because the treatment is _____.

Fill in the blank(s) with the appropriate word(s).


Political Science

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Which of these is not an example of agency interaction with the legislature?

a. working with legislative leaders b. giving political contributions to elected officials c. using clientele groups to influence legislation and budgets d. furnishing information to legislative committees e. using clientele groups to influence the selection of legislative leaders

Political Science

Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 called for

a. American support for black majority rule over Rhodesia. b. an exchange of land by Israel—the territories seized in the June 1967 war—for peace with its Arab neighbors and an end to the state of war in the Middle East. c. the total transfer of Canal control to Panama by the year 2000, with intermediate stages of transfer during the twenty-two years of the pact. d. the establishment of formal diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. e. a firm stance against apartheid and a call for the transfer of control of Namibia to majority rule.

Political Science