Suppose you are told that the equilibrium price of gasoline has increased, while the equilibrium quantity of gasoline has fallen. You are also told that either the demand changed or supply changed, but not both

Which of the following must have occurred? A) Demand increased.
B) Demand decreased.
C) Supply increased.
D) Supply decreased.



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According to classical growth theory, people earn only a subsistence real income because of growth in

A) technology. B) employment. C) population. D) labor productivity. E) capital.


Refer to Table 2-4. Assume Dina's Diner only produces sliders and hot wings. A combination of 40 sliders and 25 hot wings would appear

A) along Dina's production possibilities frontier. B) inside Dina's production possibilities frontier. C) outside Dina's production possibilities frontier. D) at the vertical intercept of Dina's production possibilities frontier.
