A payday loan company has decided to open several new locations in the city. To decide where to open these locations it hires consultants and pays them per store opened. At the end of the quarter, the company notices a many of the new stores' sales volume fail to meet expectations. To incentivize the consultants to instead focus on opening profitable stores, the company should have paid them

a. Per store opened
b. A percentage of the profit earned per new store
c. A fixed salary
d. All of the above



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A commercial bank is defined as

A) any institution that accepts deposits. B) a firm that is chartered to accept deposits and make loans. C) the institution that sets regulations for commercial activities. D) a firm that obtains funds by selling shares and then buys U.S. Treasury bills. E) any institution that makes loans.


Transfer payments, like Social Security, are known as entitlements since ________

A) they are locked up by earlier legislation B) the individuals who receive these payments are poor and deserve our support C) the individuals who receive these payments made payments to the federal government in excess of the monies they draw from the system D) these monies tend to rise in an economic downturn
